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"...what does that [Roe decision] do for our standing both historically and with other countries around the world...?"
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I created #ALotandTooMuch as a social media awareness and empowerment campaign for Black women. Black women have long been poorly characterized as if overbearing. We contend with widely accepted, stereotypical ideas and descriptions like "a lot", "too much", "too loud", "difficult" and more comparable to other women and people generally, and across places irrespectively. Through the lens of Black feminism, this platforms calls attention to this kind of "intersectional gas-lighting" and projecting. In turn, #ALotandTooMuch is a reclamation and reconceptualization of some of those words. Ones that unjustly make Black women responsible for their accusers' often privileged and uninvited assessments, emotions and reactions, and overall comfortableness. The #ALotandTooMuch platform also affords a "Yes, I am" and of "great worth" statement for Black women. This is while redirecting education and attention to historically racist and sexist pejoratives and tropes, feelings of low esteem and capacity, not (good) enough, and cannot measure up mentalities that often undergird these ideas.